How Do I Write a Leave Approval Letter or No Objection Letter for a Visa Application?

Are you planning a trip abroad? Do you require a leave approval letter or a No Objection Certificate (NOC) for your visa application? You don’t need to look anymore. We’ll go over everything in this article, including what they are and how to obtain one without any problems.

It’s never easy to get a visa to go to another country, for whatever reason. no matter how many times you apply, you will still need to go through the process and gather the necessary paperwork. It will be more challenging to obtain a visa the first time around than it will be the second and subsequent times.

leave letter for visa

What is No Objection Certificate for a Visa Application?

An official document that certifies an agency, institute, business, organization, university, etc. agrees to allow a worker or student to take time off for the days for which the applicant has requested a visa is called a No Objection Letter.

The letter also specifies that the visa applicant has contractual duties to return to their place of employment or education in their home country. The visa candidate’s employer or a representative of the university where the student is enrolled such as an adviser, department head, or dean should write an NOC letter.

What is a leave approval letter exactly?

A leave approval letter is your pass to take time off work without fearing for your employment. This is a letter from your workplace approving your leave of absence, so you can officially start traveling. Imagine it as your supervisor telling you to go have fun because everything is taken care of. Therefore, in general, if you want to take a vacation or want official approval for any absence from work due to an applicant’s employment contract or business policy, you require a letter from your company approving the leave.

What does a leave letter mean when applying for a Schengen visa?

An employee can take a specified amount of days off work to visit the Schengen Area by requesting a “Schengen Visa Approved Leave of Absence” from their employer.

Legal protection and non-protection are the two possible legal statuses for leaves of absence. The leave of absence you apply for to get a Schengen Tourist Visa is not protected by the laws of your home country.

What differentiates a Leave Approval Letter for a Visa from a No Objection Certificate (NOC)?

A No Objection Certificate (NOC), which is a formal document declaring that the employer, educational institution, or relevant body has no objection to the individual’s specific activity or request, is issued by these entities. You’ll probably want an NOC if it involves travel for government business, academic purposes, or employment. In simple terms, “Travelling is OK.”

An authorization letter for leave is a document that an employer or educational institution issues to an employee allowing them to take a certain amount of time off from work or school. If you simply want to take some time off from work or school, you’ll need a leave of absence letter, “You are allowed to take time off from work or school.”

What types of No Objection Letters are there?

Depending on your position and the organization/institution that has to give it to you, there are two forms of No Objection Letters:

  1. NOC letters for employees are provided by qualified individuals at the candidate’s place of employment; 
  2. NOC letters for students are issued by a competent person at the university where the applicant is enrolled.

Conversely, if the employer has provided the NOC, the sort of NOC will vary based on the type of visa you intend to apply for.

  1. NOC for travel-related reasons: when an employee intends to go to another nation for pleasure or to see relatives or family.
  2. Employees who travel abroad to attend business-related events must obtain an NOC for business purposes.

What details will be mentioned in a letter of no objection for a visa application or a letter approving leave?

After you have successfully persuaded your employer to grant you a leave of absence, it is time to document it. A few essential elements should be included in your letter of approval for leave:

  1. Company Letterhead
  2. Your name, title, and method of contact
  3. Name, position, and contact details of your employer
  4. When you are away (date)
  5. A brief explanation for your leave of absence
  6. We appreciate your employer’s support and understanding.

One of the greatest apps for creating your leave letter for a visa is FlightGen. Simply complete the requested information, download the No Objection PDF from the FlightGen App, and you’re done! The navigation is quite simple.

Along with the option to leave letters, it offers an infinite number of applications a travel itinerary in PDF format, a dummy ticket, a false hotel reservation, a cover letter, and an invitation letter. Take advantage of the deal and sign up for a monthly subscription.

Sample leave approval letter requesting the employer

ABC Company

ohn Smith [Applicants Details]
Human Resources Manager
ABC Corporation
123 Main Street
Anytown, USA 12345
(555) 555-5555

February 23, 2024

Jane Doe [Employer Details]
HR Director
ABC Corporation
123 Main Street
Anytown, USA 12345

Dear Jane,

Subject: Leave Approval for Visa Application

I’m writing to ask for permission to take time off work to apply for a visa. I plan to take a family trip to France from March 10, 2024, to March 25, 2024.

I’ll be sure to assign my tasks wisely while I’m away to minimize any interference with the team’s daily operations. I have included pertinent data, such as flight schedules and hotel details, to corroborate my travel arrangements.

Please contact me for further information or documentation.

Thank you for your consideration.


John Smith
Human Resources Manager

Sample No objection letter from your employer

XYZ Company

John Doe [Employer Details]
XYZ Corporation
456 Oak Street
Another town, USA 54321
(555) 555-5555

February 23, 2024

Embassy of France
Visa Section
123 Embassy Road
Embassy City, France

Dear Visa Section,

Subject: No Objection Certificate (NOC) for Visa Application

I, John Doe, hereby certify that I have no objection to [Applicant name], Senior Accountant, Senior Accountant, visiting France for business.

Sarah Johnson is scheduled to return to work on March 26, 2024, and her trip is scheduled to go from March 10, 2024, to March 25, 2024.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you need any further details or explanation.


John Doe

Where to submit an NOC letter?

he embassy, consulate, or visa center of the nation the applicant for a visa desires to visit should receive a No Objection Letter. The letter and the other necessary documentation must be provided together.

On the day of your interview, don’t forget to submit all of the necessary paperwork for your visa application. Your application will be immediately denied if you don’t accomplish this.

Who can write an NOC or Leave Letter for a visa?

A leave letter or No Objection Certificate (NOC) for your visa may be written by any person in authority at your place of employment or education. It can be your supervisor, HR manager, or principal. In essence, it’s a person who can confirm that an employee is indeed permitted to take time off for travel. So, all you have to do is ask, and the person in charge will assist you.

What is the purpose of submitting a No Objection Letter?

This is a necessary prerequisite in some nations, but optional in others. Should you neglect to submit something that is required, your application file will be denied.

The No Objection Certificate is typically required by the nations that have made it so to verify that the applicant has duties in their home country, which they must return to.

In other situations, the visa officers want to confirm that the applicant’s stated purpose for the application is genuine when it comes to a business visa.